An annual gift by a man called Ken.
Gifted before Knowing.
Gifted before Judgement.
Gifted to Change.
Gifted to Wonder.

The gift is made before actually knowing what the outcome is and before Judgement has been made.

It is gifted to encourage change not only of those involved but perhaps even the donor and it is gifted to encourage wonder.

It is not gifted to monumentalise nor is it gifted to reinforce existing stereotypes and simply repeat, endlessly repeat the known.

It is not gifted to glorify but rather to forget. Gifted for tomorrow, not yesterday.

It is gifted to save us all from the onset of boredom and atrophy!

And finally it is gifted so that we can still imagine we believe in the idea of the new and a local avant-garde.



If you would like to make a gift to Phillip Adams BalletLab and support what we do like Ken, please click here.

We warmly welcome your support. All gifts $2.00 and over are fully tax deductible.

Please contact us for more information and to discuss how you can be a part of Phillip Adams BalletLab.


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